dolls houses & dolls house furniture
1/24th scale (half scale), 1/48th scale & commissions
e-mail: cottages@herdwicklandscapes.co.uk
tel: 07760 373 113 or 07721 175 284

St. James’s comprises an entrance porch, nave, altar alcove and vestry.  It has a stained glass window based upon the original at Buttermere, as well as a landscaped base complete with gravestones.

St. James’s comes with lighting already in place.  The
lighting comprises two hanging wooden cross candle lights
in the nave, an altar candelabrum, a candle light in the
vestry, and a lantern over the porch.            



Buttermere in summer


Font of church

Rear of church showing vestry

Stained glass window in east wall

Lit interior of church


St. James’s, Buttermere
- 1/24th scale

Dimensions:  W 49 cm, D 35 cm, H 31 cm.
Price:  £585 (inc. lighting)



Our model is inspired by St. James’s at Buttermere, which was consecrated in 1507 and assumed its present form in 1840.


St. James’s, the small granite church of Buttermere

~ 24th scale ~
